Hatcher Pass
Hatcher Pass is in the southwestern Talkeetna Mountains between Willow and Palmer. Hatcher Pass Road (Fishhook Road) is a scenic sixty miles, twenty unpaved (gravel) on the west side of the pass. Summit Lake is a small cirque lake, or alpine tarn, the remnant of a glacier, hosting Summit Lake Recreation Area. The Little Susitna River flows south from the pass.
Robert Lee Hatcher discovered lode gold near the summit of Skyscraper Mountain in September, 1906. Independence Mine State Historical Park preserves one of Alaska's largest gold mining camps, which closed in 1951.

All of it is above treeline.
The arctic ground squirrel (sicsic), Urocitellus parryii, is native to North American arctic tundra, living in sandy soil for easy digging and good drainage.

The hoary marmot, Marmota caligata, lives in alpine meadows and hibernates from mid-September to April or early May.
moose, Alces alces gigas
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Last modified 4 November 2019